The disadvantage of spicy cuisine in Thailand


Today, there are many tasty yet hot dishes in Thailand, such as Papaya Salad and Spicy Soup, popularly known as Tom Yum. Many people who consume spicy foods have diarrhea. Chili peppers contain Capsaicin, which can cause gastrointestinal upset. And our bodies cannot entirely metabolize capsaicin. Due to this, the body must eliminate undigested capsaicin in the form of feces from the digestive tract. Additionally, the capsaicin in chili peppers raises the body’s temperature. There are several downsides of eating spicy foods, not just diarrhea:

1.     Gastritis

It occurs in people of all ages and genders. It is the most common illness in Thailand. Both inappropriate eating habits and long-term consumption of spicy foods can lead to the development of gastritis, in which the mucous membrane lining the stomach becomes irritated, swollen, and red. Chronic gastritis can also be caused by H.pylori infection resulting from bacterial contamination in food or drinking water. Symptoms of gastritis can be abrupt and persistent. Due to inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the stomach, the most noticeable symptoms are abdominal discomfort beneath the tongue, abdominal distension even when not eating, nausea, and vomiting. Therefore, consuming spicy foods produces more stomach acid, which irritates the stomach lining.

2.     Inflammatory Bowel Disease

            Antibiotics can treat sudden inflammatory bowel illness, which is caused by eating food contaminated with germs, infected with a virus, and accompanied by acute stomach discomfort. However, chronic inflammatory bowel disease, commonly known as Ulcerative Colitis, is characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the colon wall. Years of persistent inflammation create sporadic diarrhea and stomach discomfort. Particularly when consuming foods that promote intestinal wall inflammation, severe symptoms will manifest. To restore the natural intestinal mucosa, chronic colitis treatment need frequent medical care. Therefore, you must maintain a healthy diet and avoid hot foods that may further irritate the intestinal mucosa. Unfortunately, persistent enteritis can progress to colon cancer if you continue to ignore and consume spicy foods.

3.     Gastroesophageal reflux disease

gastrointestinal acid reflux disease is due to lifestyle and eating habits, particularly for those who prefer to dine late and go to bed promptly. GERD is a disorder in which stomach fluids run back up into the esophagus, generating a burning feeling in the chest and epigastric region. This condition is caused by excess acid in the stomach, which flows back up, and a dysfunctional distal esophageal sphincter. Therefore, patients with acid reflux should avoid any acid-producing foods, including those that are spicy, sour, and gassy. Because it will increase acid production and reflux, producing discomfort in the esophagus. In addition, persistent acid reflux may necessitate esophageal sphincter surgery in order to avoid the progression of the disease into esophageal cancer.