Philosophical Underpinnings of Love
There is no one right answer to the question, “What is love?” Sigmund Freud argued that love is a complex phenomenon with a profound philosophical underpinning. He categorized love into three different styles: sensual, romantic, and familial. This article will examine the Philosophical underpinnings of love, the Styles of love, and the characteristics of true love. Here are the key points he outlined in his study of love.
Sigmund Freud’s study of love
The psychoanalytic study of love has been central to its development. While the classical psychological approach to love focuses on the individual’s emotional needs, psychoanalysis emphasizes the interrelatedness of adult love and infancy love. Most contemporary psychoanalytic approaches build upon Freud’s theories of love. Here’s an overview of his key concepts. Let’s begin by defining love.
Firstly, Freud’s study of love focused on the Oedipus Complex. The idea is that we can experience repressed childhood drives, which then manifest in adulthood as neurotic behavior. The most obvious example of this is sexual addiction. However, Freud’s study of love also looked at the role of libido in the development of sexual behavior. This study has important implications for psychotherapy.
Philosophical underpinnings of love
Despite common proverbs about love, there is no universal definition of love. While some think love is merely a feeling, others define it as a commitment to loving actions. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, love is the desire to improve the life of another, while others define it as a state of mind and the willingness to help others. Philosophers such as Bertrand Russell and Jeremy Griffith have defined love as a choice between two opposing values.
The biological model of love tends to see love as a natural phenomenon arising from a mammalian drive, while psychology views it as a social phenomenon. Several hormones, neurotrophins, and pheromones are involved in love. Psychologists also believe that the GoddessLolla basis of love is multifaceted, with many factors influencing the way people behave when in love. For example, brain regions associated with passionate love are the same as those involved in drug addiction.
Styles of love
Different people have different types of love. In fact, the ancient Greeks had multiple definitions of love, and the same is true today. There are three primary styles of love – romantic, physical, and emotional. Depending on the temperament of the person, one or more of these styles will likely dominate the relationship. The following is a brief explanation of each style of love. Listed below are a few characteristics of each type.
Eros: The Greek god of love. The Romans called him “Cupid.” Erotic love is a passionate, tactile, and immediate experience. Eros lovers are drawn to their partner’s beauty and adore sensing them with their different senses. Often they are serial monogamists, and they thrive on the “honeymoon” phase of the relationship. While Eros and Virgo lovers tend to be intense and passionate, their love doesn’t last forever.
Characteristics of true love
There are several different types of lovers. Using a theoretical framework, Lee (1973) offers a classification of different styles of lovers. Practical lovers focus on practical considerations, such as compatibility and sensibility in choosing their partner. They also consider the responsibilities of parenthood and career. In contrast, mania lovers feel intense emotions and are concerned about insecurities. Despite the differences between pragmatic and mania lovers, these two types of lovers share some fundamental traits.
True love respects others. It seeks to understand others’ viewpoints and feelings and makes sure not to hurt them. Moreover, it strives to make others feel appreciated and valued. Lastly, it is patient and kind. Unlike other types of love, a true lover is not proud or conceited, and never puts others into shame. It is also honest and truthful. The two partners will support each other no matter what happens.